Sunday, 23 October 2011

Just for fun... (I got very bored)

So I’ve been looking through my blog and it occurred to me that the majority of my posts recently have been all about work and no-one wants to read about it! So I thought I’d break from this trend and post about anything that I can think about (yes, instead of doing my radio piece and yes instead of my law notes *sad face*)

As I’ve made clear to many people recently, weekends are my days off from drinking and are days for doing nothing and just relaxing. So this weekend I’ve stuck to that and not done anything; I’ve got to tell you, it feels phenomenal. Not having to worry about spending my money, albeit it well, on alcohol is a great feeling - especially since I’m running out of money at an alarming speed :( something im not proud of. Maybe it’s down to the fact that the second I got my student loan the money pretty much went straight to my head! Then when the money for housing comes out of my account it’s like kapow. I'm now broke. But don’t worry, I’ve come to the conclusion that I can just like not eat for a few weeks (more like months) and it'll all be just fine... probably.

Devastated to learn on Friday that it was our last precision English lesson! Without the lessons I’d have saved like a whole tree going by the number of sheets we were given and how much I actually wrote! Sorry about that one nature. But it was needed so that I could finally learn how to spell the word Haemorrhage (yeah, its totes right). On the topic of precision English, I’d like to point out that im in fact procrastinating and not prevaricating, thanks Annette. When I think about it, Precision English gave me a chance to show off my "amazing" artistic skills, especially when it comes to decorating a certain "Sun vs. Guardian" sheet, the people in the amazing group of ours (you know who you are and im sorry that you'll never be as good as drawing as me. I've also got to give Ellen a mention for teaching me how to draw stars!) Will know what I’m talking about; along with the fact that you should never recycle robots (totes children’s toys). This "what not to recycle" poster is quite possibly the most informing thing to have on a wall. I'm also fairly certain that a Mr. Horatio Smith knows that you're not supposed to recycle robots (like the mention Tammy?), or maybe it’s just limited to robot fish in his case... yeah, I brought up Horatio, it was really Snow problem ;)

Yet more procrastination to come - instead of again doing work and being studious I managed to end up doing my ironing (what the hell) and tidying up my room... im not doing well it would seem! Yeah so after I tidied my room I took a picture of it, just to prove that my room is capable of being cleaned:

Just, A) ignore Henry's feet and B) don't look at my room in like a day’s time, because it will be horribly messy again, it happens and I just don’t know how.

Another thing I did tonight was rearrange the stuff on my pin board; it’s got some amazing stuff on it now and looks so much better! Going with the trend of posting a picture above I feel I need to add another one:

So yeah, this is my catching up of not blogging about random stuff for ages - enjoy and so on.
Bye and stuff, but mostly stay classy x

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