Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Access Winchester - Week five

Week five: 30/10/13
This Access Winchester was a Halloween special. We piled on the graphics and effects, trying to make it look like something from 'Most Haunted', we added sound effects, filters on the camera lenses and to top it all off we filmed it in a graveyard. After last week we had a dedicated slot to headlines which runs exactly like the WINOL headlines do, we have 3 in the headlines and then a 'but first' to kick the show off. I presented again this week and we had a run down of spooky places to go in Winchester, which was just done by me presenting and talking on screen (this could have done with graphics but we were a bit strapped for time), a fright filled ghost walk through Winchester at night time, a new addition to the show - 'the top 5' done by Harry Parkhill and to start off this tradition it was the top 5 horror films and we had a fashion shoot from 'Absolute:ly magazine', done by Meg Fisher.

Overall: Another successful week I think, my presenting received a lot of praise and was said to have improved, we were commended for using graphics, sound effects, a different sound track and so on, just to switch things up a bit. But again we were picked up on the show being too slow and not having enough pace, the headlines needed to be quicker, the links needed to be quicker, the stings had be done better, insofar as they had to be louder to wake the bitter 60 year old viewer of our show up and so on. I took this into account when getting ready for the next week.


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