Sunday, 6 November 2011

Keep it secret... Keep it safe: Confidentiality

Whoa, so I totally forgot about this and thought I’d already blogged about it! Jeeze, im really falling behind on this business - note to self, be better at filing.

Confidentiality: When it comes to confidentiality there are three areas of concern, these are:

1) State Secrets - this is classed as any military secrets, such as the armed forces and their documents. This is upheld by the "Official Secrets Act" and this means that, among other things, you're not allowed by law to reveal the location of troops, for example.

2) Commercial Secrets - This is to do with the confidentiality of workers within a business, known more commonly as business to business dealings. this is the expectation that what a person says will be treated as private and confidential, for example if a boss tells you that they (the business) are commencing a price rise, it’s pretty obvious that you're not supposed to tell rival shops.

3) Privacy - This might be seen as the new libel, insofar as privacy has become very important after the publication of the Human Rights Act which brought with it section 8 of the European Convention of Human Rights. This means that there is a clear divide between the public and private spheres of life. The Private sphere is protected by law and people aren’t allowed to pry on it because this infringes on their right to privacy - a major nuisance for the paparazzi and journalists in general.

Common Law Secrets: Secrets are allowed, so long as they are not against the public interest. Lawyers are a prime example along with doctors - they have confidentiality and cannot by law pass on any information that is discussed in confidence to any third party member without legitimate consent. The above point also applied to the Catholic confession system. 

There is my quick summary of the law lecture, Confidentiality is pretty much common sense really, bear in mind you shouldn’t just go and tell all your secrets to some random guy on the street or you know, people you just don't trust in general; you see? Common sense people!

Anyway, back to my mass amounts of blogging, bye and stuff x

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